
During the course of Knit A Year there have been many exhibitions. Some of them small and personal , some in established galleries. Details of the exhibitions so far are archived below. If you have a venue which might like to house them over 100 strands are available for further exhibitions.
Indexed, online collaboration 
4 Knit a year contributors set off to create an index box which would pick apart some of the key themes inherent in the Knit A Year online community site. This work is ongoing. It has been shown online but is still seeking a real life home. As the closure of the online site comes nearer this work becomes even more pressing. Curated by Beth Barlow, Jane Lewis and Kay Steven.

Strands Of Inspiration by Christine Oliphant, Artworks, Northwich,   September 2015
Inspired by her time Knitting her year artist Christine Oliphant went on to create an exhibition of strands and paintings and show them in this solo show. Curated by Christine Oliphant.

Knit a Shop at The Little Big Library, Liverpool by Gateacre School, March 2015
Inspired by what she saw at the Brindley and having being given the chance to run a shop for 3 months in Belle Vale shopping centre to help boost reading and literacy Lisa Mitchell also used the space to begin a Knit a Shop project.

Knit A Year Final Party, The Studio, Widnes, April 2015
This exhibition brought the work to a new audience of non Knitters and younger people. A special needs group who make use of the space made use of our "Mood Badge" display to note their moods.  Curated by Beth Barlow.

Market Day, Runcorn Market, March 2015
Our exhibition at Hazlehurst Studios was open for limited times so we aimed to take the exhibition out onto the street through our mood badges and a stall at Runcorn Market. The conversations with people were really interesting. A burly market trader who took a black badge and confided that he was recently divorced and struggling with the loss.  A lady who took three badges to wear when she was deeply morning the loss of her son,just missing him or enjoying the memory of him. Curated by Beth Barlow, assisted by Simon Kennedy.

Halton Moods, Hazlehurst Studios, Runcorn, March 2015  
This exhibition showed to an arts audience visiting the studio for classes or meetings. It demanded a new way of hanging the strands, flush with a clear white wall.The strands were hung in groups, Runcorn, Widnes and beyond. Also developed was the mood badge installation. Badges found around town could be added to the spaces created during the badges manufacture. Curated by Beth Barlow assisted by Hazlehurst Studios.

The Cabinet Of Knitted Curiosities, March 2015 
Artists were invited to send in knitting which would peek somebodies curiosity.  A specially designed cabinet housed the work in a museum style. Curated by Beth Barlow.

Street Knitting, Runcorn and Northwich March 2015
Inspired by Victor Burgin's work "Photo Path". Artist Beth Barlow developed a series of knitted works which mimicked the surfaces underneath them. Curated by Beth Barlow.

Halton Moods, Mind Mental Health Charity, Widnes, January 2015
This exhibition took the strands into a non conventional space with high footfall, the entrance to Mind's community centre.  Those who passed through commented on how the work "brightens up the place". Included in the exhibition were strands by several Mind Clients. We were assisted in the hanging by Mind participants and joined the group for dinner. Curated by Carys Anne Hughes.

Halton Moods, The Brindley Art Gallery, Runcorn, November-January 2014/15
The strands hung in three circles. Once circle included strands from Runcorn, One from Widnes and the last from beyond. This allowed a reading of the moods of the three locations.Curated by Beth Barlow and Louise Hesketh.

Inspired by Knit a Year, The Brindley, Runcorn, November-January 2014-15
During the course of the project people began to develop things which were not strands but were inspired by the project. We felt that it was important to show these works too. Artists and knitters were asked to contribute work for this cabinet. Artifacts from workshops were included  and photos from the project were formed into a 3D photo scape.

Making Up Numbers September 2014-March 2015
A series of knitted people were created by artist Beth Barlow. These people were given profiles on the Knit A Year community site. They contributed stories and provocations to discussion. They staged a spoof mini exhibition of their strands. The people came to rest in a work which documented their time on the project. 


Seats Of Power, online KAY gallery space
During discussions online knitters talked about their "Seat Of Power". Places surrounded by their materials where they sit, make and contemplate. The photos posted by online contributors formed a slide show in the online gallery. 

Knit A Day, Brindley Arts Centre, September 2014
Knit a Year was invited to attend The Brindley's 10th birthday celebrations and mark the day by knitting a day.  

CRMZ Yarn Bombing, Widnes, August 2014
Artist's Beth Barlow and Treena Gilson worked with Young People from CRMZ to crochet and knit a yarn bombed fence which reflected their combined moods. 

Norm, Artworks, Northwich, March 2014
Knit a Year was invited to feature in "Working Title Artists Collective" exhibition norm. During the course of the exhibition the strands were used to atract attention to the exhibition. Knitters knitted their strands and spoke to visitors.

Conversations in Knitting, Runcorn Bus Station, July 2014
Project artists Carys Anne Hughes and Beth Balow knitted in public and yarn bombed areas of Runcorn Old Town. 

Knit The Bridge, Runcorn Bridge, July 2014
Artists aimed to span the length of Runcorn bridge with strands donated thus far. Artists began their journey with strands at the Widnes and the Runcorn ends of the bridge with the aim of meeting in the middle. This failed attempt showed a need to engage more people and knit more strand

The March, Northwich Yarn Shop Day , May 2014
Several of the knitted people became hired activists. Accompanied by their artist helper Beth Barlow they popped up in Northwich for "National Yarn Shop Day". They asked passers by to contributes ideas about things they should demonstrate on. 

Conversations in Knitting, Castlefield Gallery, New Art Spaces, Widnes, March 2014
Project artists Carys Anne Hughes and Beth Balow knitted in public, performed knitting performances, shared the kits and talked to shoppers. They were accompanied by the specially designed Knit A Year Mobile exhibition stand. Here people could learn about the project, see strands and also ad their thoughts about the mood of Widnes.

Cheshire Open Studios, September 2014 The strands were shown as part of Hazlewood Studios open studio event.

Runcorn In Bloom August 2014
Artist Carys Anne Hughes displayed the strands as part of Runcorn In Bloom and gave people the chance to begin their own strand. 

Anti Blast Tape, May 2014
An exhibition by Kay Steven "I took my yarn for a ride in the car. I parked up in the hospital car park. Why take the yarn there? Well, I had to attend a hospital appointment there and got a diagnosis of cancer there (3.6 years ago). After the diagnosis J and I sat in silence. We spoke when we could. It was raining outside. When I looked round the car park there were other people sitting in cars - probably trying to take in news of some sort or other.
So yesterday I placed the yarn on the windscreen in the shape of anti-blast tape - you know what glaziers do to stop the glass smashing or if you are an assassin like Jason Bourne breaking into a car! It was J who suggested i take the strand to the car park and make the cross with the strand. It felt good to create a different colourful vibe in a car park that holds different memories and conversations not just for me but for J and for other people in Northumberland."  

Garden's,throughout the project
Artists involved in the project showed their strands in their gardens and open spaces.  

Outing Ageing, 2012 
Artist, Knit A Year Knitter and group blogger Kay Steven exhibited her strand in "Outing Ageing". Her thought provoking strand won best in show and gained her the opportunity to curate a show in conjunction with other North East based artists.  

Populate, Knit the rows, Chester, December 2010
As part of a meanwhile shop project artist Beth Barlow used her knitted year to begin conversations and attract people from the street up onto the rows. 




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